Monday, September 14, 2009

Upcoming programs!

- Wednesday, September 16th at 9 PM there will be an alcohol awareness program in the TV Lounge. This program is designed to help you make good decisions in regard to alcohol. Come on out...there will be snacks!!

- Saturday, September 19th at 4 PM in the courtyard -- SHORTS HALL TAILGATE!!!! Come get some cook-out food and play some games before heading to the first home football game of the season vs. VMI. GO DUKES!

- Wednesday, September 23rd at 8:30 PM in the TV Lounge -- Ice Cream Social! FREE ICE CREAM....get excited!!

- Thursday, September 24th at 6:30 PM -- Spirituality Dialogues come to Shorts Hall. This is a great program that allows for open conversation "about meaning, purpose and the big questions." THIS IS A WELLNESS PASSPORT EVENT and you don't even have to leave our hall! This event will be held in the TV Lounge.

- Wednesday, September 30th at 9 PM -- Thinking about being an RA next year?? Come down to the TV Lounge to get information from current HDs and RAs about being an RA, the application process and the best job on campus!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Welcome to Shorts!!

Shorts Hall - I hope that you are all settled in and that your first week of classes is going well. I am so happy that everyone is here and enjoying their time at JMU!

The purpose of this blog to keep everyone updated and in the loop about hall programming and other important information about Shorts Hall. Some of the features will include slide shows of pictures from programs and other events in Shorts, a calendar, and we will also be asking for YOUR input and feedback about how things are run around here. Please help us out by giving us your suggestions for what you would like to see for our first all-hall social below! (Click on "see 1 suggestion" to give us your input!)

Shorts Hall staff wishes you a great rest of your first week of classes and as always, come see us if you need anything!!

- Emily
Hall Director, Shorts Hall

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." - Les Brown